Sunday, November 25, 2012


November 21, 2012

All Men Around The World

Dear To Whom It May Concern:

Hello my name is Alex Uribe, and I hope who ever reads this letter is doing well. I would like to address some global problems that our world is facing now, and I want to make it clear that it is and has been creating tremendous impacts on our civilization development. For years our worldwide society has been relying on patriarchy at large and it has caused many Gender inequalities throughout the nations. It is not happening just in one country or two, but in all country's around the world. Some country's have it worse than others, but they all are experiencing a form of it. From educational inequalities to workforce and beyond. Many women have to experience harsh lives because of these inequities our male society has created. Domestic Violence is a huge issue on this, because men feel like the hi-powered individuals and they see women as the helpless victims, so they take advantage and abuse the women. The male population views the female population as lower and less important which should not be the case. All men come from a woman and there is no possible way us men are better in any way than women the only object that divides us are sexual organs, for we shall all have the exact equal opportunity's in all matters.

Our world civilization has had large downfalls especially in developing country's due to gender inequalities. The effects that took place and are currently occurring due to this cause are economic, health, and domestic relationship impacts. It's like were only using half of the worlds brain, because were leaving most women out. Women can think the same way as men if they are equally educated. The only way to achieve a successful globally development is to have equal settings for all genders. By having even-handed equalities, children “girls” in particular will experience happier lives, because they will have a higher self esteem level and they won't feel like their worthless just because they aren't boys. This is a very sick and ill world, but I believe we can make a change. We need a world were gender doesn't matter and all humans have the same social status.

Gender inequality is a very serious issue although most men are not fully aware of the real outcomes. Women/girls are having miserable lives in many ways compared to us men/boys. According to The World Bank, “Nearly four million women go missing each year in developing countries, 'About two fifths of girls are never born due to a preference for sons, 'A sixth of girls die in early childhood, and over a third die in their reproductive years.” Sadly these are the real outcomes of gender inequality. Two fifths is a large number of poor little girls who never get to see sunshine just because they are “girls” and that definitely is not the right thing that should be happening. There shouldn't be a preference for sons for anyone to the point where they abort a child for developing into a girl. Fetuses don't get the option of choosing what gender they want to be born as, for there shouldn't be this cruel behavior being done to them. Not to mention the sixth that die in early childhood because of being neglected to food or healthcare for them being “girls”. This is a big issue because no child needs to face these kind of sick experiences regardless of their gender.

Furthermore in Afghanistan, domestic violence is a major issue at hand because women are treated like garbage by husbands and society. Many women have to experience torture and abuse by their husbands just because men have the mentality of “it's a man's world” and believe it's right to do so. Many girls were forced to marry an older man at a very young age. Some girls got married around age ten, and that is too young if you ask me. As these girls grow up into young women they have a very low self esteem level and they feel worthless to the point when they want to commit suicide. In this matter women have started to burn themselves alive because they claim it's the only way to escape the horrible lives they have to live. According to RAWA News, “Women's rights groups say domestic violence and discrimination is common and usually have no access to the justice system; 'Divorce is rarely an option in a county where about 80 percent of women are illiterate and often have no knowledge of their rights; 'Islamic law in Afghanistan also favors men; 'A wife must prove her husband can't provide for her, is absent for long periods, or abuses her to the point where her life is at risk; ' She also needs witnesses and often his permission to divorce; 'Even then she's unlikely to keep her children and it's that prospect which drives women like these to seek other more desperate ways to escape”. A woman shouldn't have to seek for her own death just because of the way they are treated by their husbands or society. Women need to have the opportunity to be independent if they have to be. It is not fair for a woman to be suffering for their gender. Men have to look closer at these inequalities because their causing severe damage to society.

HIV has become a pandemic disease, and everyday it keeps on pushing its way to new victims; however, gender inequality plays a big role on the expansion of this unwanted disease. According to the World Health Organization, “Norms related to femininity can prevent women -especially young women- from accessing HIV information and services.” According to the 2008 UNAIDS global figures, “only 38 percent of women have accurate, comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS.” This is not even half of the world's female population being fully aware of the disease thus HIV keeps on expanding at a dramatic rate. We need women to be able to go out and learn about such subjects like this one and all other subjects. Women need the opportunity to actually get educated equally as men and not refused in any way. This can bring better health to the world, and it can help slowdown the HIV expansion.

Businesses have major gender inequities because women don't have the same access to resources as men do. Women and girls keep facing disadvantages in the business-force and work-force in most sectors. According to the United States Agency of International Development, “In agriculture, women make up more than 40 percent of the labor force, but only represent between 3 to 20 percent of landholders, 'In Africa, women-owned enterprises make up as little as 10 percent of all businesses, and in South Asia only 3 percent, 'Women compromise less than 20 percent of the world's legislators.” This a very small amount of women-owned businesses and land. Women could only do so much with the opportunity's they are offered. If we have equality for women and men we can achieve and unlock human potential. The USAID claims the just by empowering women farmers with the same access to land, new technologies and capital as men, we can increase crop yields by as much as 30 percent and feed an additional 150 million people. Many developing countries can use this additional food since there is a large number of people who don't get to eat three meals a day, however, this is only possible by having gender equality's throughout the world.

As Reihan Salam suggests in his article “The Death of Macho” that, men can either adapt to or rebel against their declining power, however, I believe we still have many inequalities to worry about and after we do fix that then we will have to adapt to our end of “Macho”. By men adapting to a balanced society between men and women it will bring many new things to our world that we have never seen, because we will be using a full brain instead of half. This can be the best choice we have ever taken in history and it will drive us to nothing but success. Men have been the dominating the world for centuries, but it's time to leave that behind and come forward with equalities for both women and men.

Gender equality worldwide is the key to bring the best in our modern civilization. No human likes to be treated unequal in any way for being part of a certain group, for we should provide equality for all gender's. If you were getting treated unequal for your gender status would you be furious to make a change, or would you ignore it and deal with it? Women have to face a lot of struggles because of the cultural gender myth that has lived on for generations. I am a man, but I am putting my voice out there for women because it is a serious issue that we need pay closer attention to. By doing so, undeveloped countries will develop faster and developed countries will improve. We need to take action against these gender inequalities as men for the sake of our women, and our world.


Alex Uribe
Watsonville, CA 95076

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Annotated Bibliographie 2


“Afghan Women burn themselves to flee abuse.” RAWA News, 22 November 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

“Gender inequalities and HIV” Gender, Women and Health. World Health Organization, 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

“Gender Equality and Female Empowerment Policy” United States Agency International Development, March 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

“WDR 2012: Gender Equality and Development.” The World Bank, 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2012.

           Women in the country of Afghanistan are being tortured and mistreated by their husbands or even their in-laws. These poor women set themselves on fire to escape their violent marriages which make their life miserable. Many of these women are very young in age, some are as young as 17, and they were married at a very earlier age to older men. These women claim when they set themselves on fire it brings peace to their lives that they never had. Many of these women if not all were forced to marry older men. Under the Taliban woman weren't allowed to work or get an education. But even now - eight years after they were overthrown - there's evidence their suffering continues. Women's rights groups say domestic violence and discrimination is common and women usually have no access to the justice system. Divorce is rarely an option in a country where about 80 percent of women are illiterate and often have no knowledge of their rights. Islamic law in Afghanistan also favors men. A wife must prove her husband can't provide for her, is absent for long periods or abuses her to the point where her life is at risk. She also needs witnesses and often his permission to divorce. Even then she's unlikely to keep her children and it's that prospect which drives women like these to seek other more desperate ways to escape.

      World Health Organization-
             HIV has become the top pandemic disease and gender inequality plays a role in the expansion of the epidemic at large. The World Health Organization explains how and why this is a major key driver. For example, the WHO states, “Norms related to femininity can prevent women -especially young women- from accessing HIV information and services.” According to the 2008 UNAIDS global figures, “only 38% of women have accurate, comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS.” This is a very low percent of the world's female population who actually are fully aware and educated of this harsh disease. This is an outcome of the educational gender inequalities that take place in many developing countries still today. Another key drive to this issue is violence against women which could be physical, sexual or emotional. This violence is experienced by 10-60% of women (ages 15-49) worldwide and increases their vulnerability to contracting the disease. For example, by forced sex taking action there could be tears or laceration to the body and which will highly increase the risk of catching HIV.

               Long-term, sustainable development will only be possible when women and men enjoy equal opportunity to  rise to their potential. But today, women and girls continue to face disadvantages in every sector in which we work, while in some cases, boys are falling behind.
In agriculture, women make up more than 40 percent of the labor force, but only represent between 3 to 20 percent of landholders. In Africa, women-owned enterprises make up as little as 10 percent of all businesses—and in South Asia, only 3 percent. And despite representing half the global population, women comprise less than 20 percent of the world’s legislators. If we can erase these inequities—and put women on equal footing with men—we know that we can unlock human potential on a transformational scale. Just by empowering women farmers with the same access to land, new technologies and capital as men, we can increase crop yields by as much as 30 percent and feed an additional 150 million people. For decades, USAID has been leading global efforts to achieve gender equality. While great strides have been made, gender inequality remains a significant challenge across every development initiative worldwide, from education to global health.

         World Bank-
              Gender equality is a worldwide issue because in developing countries women and girls are most likely to experience very harsh moments of life more likely than men or boys. According to The World Bank, “Nearly 4 million women go missing each year in developing countries,''About two fifths of girls are never born due to a preference for sons,''Globally, only 10 to 20 of every 100 land owners is a woman,''A sixth die in early childhood, and over a third die in their reproductive years.” These are realistic outcomes that happen due to the inequality between women and men. They claim that by making a change of gender inequalities, it will help developing countries develop in a faster and healthier way. This is the best choice we have ever taken because it will make a big difference in our world society. We have to make modern day society into its best for the next generations.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Title: Precise Equality for All Gender's
Author: Alex Uribe
Date: 11-07-2012
Topic: The rise of female power over time although it's not precisely equal in recent times.
Exigence: I am writing about this because I want women of all kind to be treated equal as men throughout society like the humans we all are.
Intended Audience: My intended audience is general public males, and particularly men with political power.
Purpose: The purpose to my claim is to try to convince and change the male population's way of thinking towards the female population, and to take action against the inequality of women living in our society.
Claim: All men come from a Woman, for we should think twice of how we treat them referring to unfairness towards them, and all of us as a nation should make a change to view them the same way as us men.

LOGOS-We have came a long ways from the original patriarchy era that took place many years ago. Women have gained a big portion of power throughout past years which have gave them the chance to participate and experience in events that were usually fulfilled by the male dominance; however, as much as it seems that women are being treated equally I believe a patriarchy like role is well alive and present in the twentieth-first century we currently are living in. Women gained the right to vote, the right to attend a College or University, the right to serve in combat, the right to ownership of property for example, and the right to work in male based positions but there is still some inequality's taking place as of today. As women had a rise in employment positions and men a downfall there shouldn't be any inequality's towards the women.

ETHOS-There are a couple inequality's that are present today, For example women have no center of attention in the mass media like sports. Every time there is a Superbowl, World-series, or a NBA championship is always for male sports. The whole general public finds themselves more entertained by what society has made them get used to watching. Unequal pay in labor has come to a counterpoint in my argument, because women are not getting paid the same wages as men for the accomplishment of the same work. There was a bill passed in the 1960's stating that no employee should receive a lower rate regardless of their gender. It feels like this bill had no effect because there is a pay gap still in effect today.

PATHOS-No human likes to be treated unequal in any way for being part of a certain group, for we should provide equality for all gender's. If you were getting treated unequal for your gender status would you be furious to make a change, or would you ignore it and deal with it? Women have to face a lot of struggles because of the cultural gender myth that has lived on for generations stating that women can't do certain things because it may be a manly role. Men and Women have the same brains, for they can do any job a man can and maybe even better depending on their experience. If us men had a mother , daughter, or sister that was being discriminated against for being a woman we would not like it. Wouldn't you like your female family members being treated the same as you and no less?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

RA3 Kilbourne

    “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt”: Advertising and Violence, by Jean Kilbourne is an article with the purpose to display the writers knowledge of today's marketing advertising and to convince the audience to take action against these pornographic like ads, for she illuminates the power and dominance it brings primarily to men by showing sexual images of women as being sex products. Kilbourne explores deeply into the provocative settings of different ads like perfume, jeans, alcohol beverages, and many other product ads. She finds the same setting lying within their advertisements which is the female victimization being used as a hook for men. For example, Kilbourne states “Men conquer and women ensnare, always with the essential aid of a product.”(575) The author believes advertisements like these are being used to an erotic extreme point and shall be observed more closely to the dangers they might bring.
    The mode of exemplification is highly used by the author. There is a significant amount of examples of images in advertising with erotic behaviors. One example demonstrated by the author is an image of a flock of sheep with a wolf in the middle representing women as sheep and the wolf as a sexual predator.(582) This ad is from the alcohol beverage of Smirnoff which could stimulate the mind to a point where a woman could get taken advantage of against her awareness by a man's sexual violent mind due to the dominance and power they may feel . Another good example she uses is the image of a pretty young woman dressed provocatively in an elevator. The young lady in the ad says “Push my buttons, I am looking for a man who can totally floor me, who won't stop till the top”(582) and the author states “And she is literally asking for it.”(583)
    Cause and Effect is another mode being used in this article by the author. Advertising happens because product company leaders want to see a rise in consumers of their product, so company leaders believe that by advertising provocative images of women they can make that happen. Kilbourne believes this causes men to believe they overpower women, and they see women as power less and victims of their believed dominance. The effects of these ads are men being force full and aggressive towards women, for sexual assaults, rapes, and harassment of women by men occur. For example, Kilbourne addresses “According to a 1998 study by the federal government, one in five of us has been the victim of rape or attempted rape, most often before our seventeenth birthday.”(588)
    My Response: I agree with Kilbourne's claim because I do believe this can cause aggression in men towards women, or even children due to the amount of pedophiles our nation has, and I also agree with this having the most impact on women rather than men; however, I believe the women being contracted for the advertisements should be more aware of what the effects come out to be. The models being photographed may not know what these ads really cause, and I believe that even if they did know some of them won't really care since their getting paid a fair amount for it “Money Talks” in my opinion.