Thursday, September 27, 2012


Title: A Change For The Better or For The Worst?
Author: Alex Uribe
Date: 9/27/12

  Proposition 30 can be very confusing in your decision with the vote, because of the many different opinions you can find. Me myself chose to go against the proposition because of the facts I found out. Going against it came in my best will and it is the best choice for others as well.  I am sitting down and writing this to inform voters about the negativity going on with the upcoming proposition taking effect in the ballot in November 2012. This proposition carries some good and bad outcomes with it, and we have to choose witch is the best choice. We have to ask ourselves: Is voting yes the best choice or not? We have to think outside the box in how it's really going to play it's role. The intended audience in my op-ed is college students and other California voters who are not fully informed with this proposition. My purpose towards my opinion against this proposition is to change the students and voter's point of view, and decision on proposition 30. By trying to change their point of view hopefully the votes against it will rise. This topic matters because our governor is just trying to overplay us by saying that the revenues from the tax hike will go towards schools when it is not guaranteed, and by threatening voters by saying that if the proposition doesn't pass it will cause serious cuts in the educational systems.  These threats come in hands of the politicians to try and have their proposition pass by scaring the voters into voting for it.

 LOGOS- The logical reasoning that i will use in my op-ed is that Prop.30 is just a gamble or should I say a "Shell Game" as they mention in an argumentation against the proposition. This is a gamble because us as voters we don't know exactly what will the outcomes end up to be if this proposition passes. They claim to fund the money for schools, but there is numerous claims against that. As op-posers we feel like the politicians are just trying to pass this massive tax hike to pocket some money to replace other debts the state has. Also there is no real re-forms towards the educational funds, which makes me ask if they are just trying to screw over the California residents.

ETHOS- I think I am credible as a speaker of this argument, because I researched a few different opinions, and it seems like these facts are very reasonable against this proposition. There are a few different reasons why this proposition shouldn't pass, and by listening to the opposing team of this proposition you will find out more about the truth behind the government and politicians words on the proposition.

PATHOS-As a student in California like many of others, we have to worry about the future that relies on us. By raising taxes we will face even worse financial problems than a lot of us do already. Our state has the nation's highest sales tax, and they still want to bump it up a quarter cent more, that does not sound like a good plan. Some of us have families to support, and some with newborns or toddlers. Just imagine the diaper an wipes expense. In the aftermath they add up to be very expensive, and to top it off you still have other expenses. For example, gas, food, clothes, school supplies, rent, and many other personal bills. Most of us, and probably all don't make more than 250k a year, so we don't pay attention to the income tax raise, but the sales and use tax we have to focus on.

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